PMT System User Manual
The PMT 2017 is essentially a tool to capture data from an institution's accounting and portfolio system via an input form or an import function; based on this data it creates financial reports and ratios to be used by an institution's management.
It is not a comprehensive Management Information System, and shouldn't be seen as a substitute for this. However, it collects, stores and computes key financial data in a systematic way providing value for any financial institution.
Special care was taken to consider the different reporting requirements of all kinds of institutions involved in microfinance. This led e.g. to the inclusion of certain ratios used by the PEARLS tool, specialized on performance monitoring of savings and credit cooperatives. Also, you will find that input forms and reports differ from one institution to the other, since not all items are relevant for all types of institution.
The input form has a simple tabular format, which requires minimal training to be used. The input data is stored on the central online database whenever a user saves the input form.
The PMT contains a real-time ratio generator so, with only a few clicks, various reports can be produced based on the most current input or even based on historic data. A set of five reports are provided for immediate usage: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow, Portfolio/Outreach and Key Performance Indicators.
While those reports will give management an immediate picture of the financial status of their organizations, managers will gain even more insights as they submit their reports in digital form (as a computer file via email or on a flash disk) to the central Performance Monitoring System (PMS) hosted at AMFIU. AMFIU is committed to treat submitted data in strict confidence.
Aggregating this data at national and regional level as well as according to meaningful peer groups yields graphical reports which are returned to each institution submitting its data. Through this, management and board are able to make a comparative judgment on their institution's status and take informed decisions to enhance its performance, increase its outreach and improve its sustainability.
The PMT is also geared at serving as a universal tool to satisfy the reporting needs of development partners, associations and regulators diminishing the need for multiple reporting.
As microfinance keeps evolving, the user's requirements for the PMT will also change. Hence, AMFIU as the custodian of the tool can modify, add or remove input forms as well as reports if stakeholders agree that changes are necessary.