Create/Import Form

Create new Input Form

  1. Click 'New Form'.

  2. Populate the provided form.
    There are three types of input forms you can choose from: MDI, MFI and SACCO. Please select the one that corresponds to your institution.

    The currency and periodicity are automatically carried over from your settings in the setup.

  3. Add Sub Accounts
    You can now either click Income Statement (Current period) or Balance Sheet (End of period) to view the category, Subcategory and field name form inputs, or even add Sub Accounts that correspond to your institution.
    Click Save Form to complete the creation of the form. You will be redirected to this page to enter the form data
    Note: sub accounts can only be added upon the creation of the form, once the form is saved this option wont be available

Import form

PMT allows you to import data for your institution. This could be useful if you want to import data from e.g. another branch office using the PMT or if you want to finalize the incomplete data provided by your institution’s MIS. So, before importing data into the PMT, an export file must be created from another PMT or from an MIS capable of producing PMT-compliant exports.

In the top menu, click on “Import Form”. You will be prompted to browse for an XML file on your computer (for technical reasons, the PMT files are labeled XML files). Finally, click “IMPORT” and wait a little while the data is imported into your PMT.

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