Enter Form Data

An input form is a simple table with rows and columns. When entering data, it is important to first select the current accounting period; this is simply done by clicking on the appropriate month or quarter on the top left of the input form.

The selected period (Feb, in the picture above) is displayed for editing on the very right. The previous period’s data (January, in the picture above) is also displayed, but for viewing only.

You can switch between Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Portfolio data (all for the currentaccounting period) by clicking on the three tab stubs on top of the input form.

Type in the relevant data. Corrections can be made with the Backspace key or with the Delete key. Move from one field to another using the Tab key or the Cursor keys.

Whenever a value significantly varies from the previous period’s value, an exclamation mark is displayed. This has no further implications; it is merely displayed to encourage you to verify your input. You can modify this validation range in the setup field called “Validation Range”. Pressing the SAVE button will save the data entered for the current period.

Important notice: If you do not press the SAVE button (or SAVE icon) before logging out or closing the PMT, all your input data will be lost! The “Clear Changes” button will clear all changes made within the present input form.

[Balance sheets] In order for the report ratios to be calculated correctly, data for the last period of the previous year must be entered; e.g. if the current year is 2010, then a 2009 input form should be created and data for December 2009 should be entered.

[Income Statement data] it is critical to the proper calculation of reports that the data entered in the Income Statement reflects only the values and amounts incurred during the current accounting period (e.g. month or quarter), and not represent a summary of the income and expenses incurred from the beginning of the financial year to the current accounting period.

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