Export/Send to AMFIU

You are required to submit a soft copy (a computer file) of your financial reports to AMFIU’s central database system at least quarterly, ideally monthly. To produce such a PMT file,

  1. Click on “Export” on the right of the form you would like to work with.
  2. You are prompted to select which type of export you would like to do. Select “Send File to AMFIU (.xml)” to have the system directly email the file to AMFIU ([email protected]). Select “AMFIU PMT (.xml)”, “Microsoft Excel (.xls)” or “Tab character separated values (.csv)” to enable you download the file from the Online PMT system and send it by mail or memory disc/stick to AMFIU. After clicking SAVE you are prompted to select whether to open or save the PMT file. Select “Save File” and click OK.

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